"WOW!!what a glorious spectacle!!!"
"I wish I could see this wonderful sight everyday..."
"People must have been living up their life there.. "
This is what comes from us..when we witness such beautiful sights and that too #citylights.
But more you go deeper...many more truths to be revealed.
Yes's rightly said in kannada.."ದೂರದ ಬೆಟ್ಟ ಕಣ್ಣಿಗೆ ನುಣ್ಣಗೆ "
The major issues of T-R-U-E city....:
Street Beggars: Rural people who migrate and come to cities in search of job, finally end up begging in the streets including children. There's even high chances of human trafficking.
Fast Food: Cities are filling with fastfood spots. Adding food additives, colors, and other chemicals has become common to them which is spoiling our health.
Women: Women who is treated as a pure soul in the Rural ill treated in cities. There are many cases where women are sold,exploited and most importantly judged for her clothing.
Gambling: The major issue is the gambling. It has became the part of a city life. People are literally spoiling their life with these petty things.
Not only these but there are many more things that literally shows the true colors of the city....
Yes friends...when a human himself has both good and bad's complete stupidity thinking cities as a colorful world...because even that have darker side too....
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